School Nurse
The (school health office) is designed to provide care to students who become ill or are injured while in school.
A cumulative health file is maintained for each student. This file includes notations of past illnesses, results of physical examinations, and other pertinent health information. Vision and hearing tests are administered to students in grades K, 1, 3, 4 and 5. Postural screening will be done in grades 5 and 7 for female students and grade 8 or 9 for male students. An annual notification of postural screenings, at no cost to parents, will be provided. Abnormal results are provided to the parents. Parents wishing to have these screenings conducted by their private physician are required to report the screening results to the school nurse.
Parents are encouraged to have oral health assessments for their child(ren) prior to school enrollment, in grade 6 or 7, and in grade 9 or 10. Such assessment may be conducted by a dentist, dental hygienist, physician, physician assistant (PA) or an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) trained in conducting such assessments. The results are to be provided to the school district’s designated representative (school nurse). (Note: The school district has the option to provide for such oral assessment, with parental consent, at no cost to parents/guardians.)
Parents are notified of any deviation from the normal pattern of health and suggestions are given for follow-up. It is likewise important that parents notify the (school nurse) in case of a student’s illness. If a student is to be excused or limited for an extended period from participation in school activities, he/she is required to bring a statement signed by a physician. The (school nurse) is available to parents and students for conferences regarding health issues.
Lakeview High School Nurses

Theresa Simaitis
School Nurse

Rebecca Ventura
School Nurse