Arrival, Dismissal & Visitor Procedures
Arrival Procedures
(The building is open to students beginning at 7:35 a.m. There is no supervision prior to that time; as such, no student will be allowed in the building prior to 7:35 a.m.)
Bus Arrival
Buses will drop students off at the West (Main) Entrance of the building beginning at 7:35 a.m.
Parent/Guardian Student Drop-off
Students who are driven to school by a parent, guardian, family member, etc. will be dropped off at the Cafeteria Entrance beginning at 7:35 a.m.
Student Drivers
Students who have been authorized to drive and park on campus will be expected to arrive at the building in such time as they are able to be present in their first block class by 7:50 a.m. Note that the Lakeview High School building will be open to all students at 7:35 a.m. Students will use the Cafeteria Entrance.
Late Arrival
Student drivers who have the privilege of late arrival are expected to park in their designated space and enter the East Entrance of the building, sign in with School Security Personnel or the Administrative Assistant, and report to their scheduled course.
Students who arrive late to school without late arrival privileges are expected to be signed in by a parent/guardian at the East Entrance. This applies to any student dropped off after 7:50 a.m.
All visitors to Lakeview High School must enter the building through the West (Main Office) Entrance and follow all security protocols outlined by School Security Personnel, including the required presentation of a government issued form of identification upon arrival.

Dismissal Procedures
Bus Dismissal
Buses will pick up students at the West (Main Office) Entrance of the building at 2:30 p.m. Students are expected to safely exit the building and board their assigned bus.
Parent/Guardian Pick-up
Students who are picked up from school by a parent, guardian, family member, etc. will be permitted to meet their ride at the East Entrance of the building at 2:30 p.m.
Student Drivers
Students authorized to drive and park on campus will be released from school at 2:30 p.m. They are expected to safely walk to their vehicles and drive off campus, adhering to all Lakeview Parking Rules and Regulations.
Early Dismissal
Student drivers who have the privilege of early dismissal must sign out with School Security Personnel or the Administrative Assistant at the East Entrance of the building prior to leaving campus.
Students who must leave campus early and do not have early dismissal privileges must be signed out by a parent/guardian at the East Entrance.
Student drivers who must leave campus prior to the end of the day and do not have early dismissal privileges must present a note signed by a parent/guardian permitting them to leave campus on that day at a specific time. This note must be delivered to the main office staff.