Student Data Privacy

Student Data


Schools and school districts have always collected data on students. Instead of paper files, much of that data is now collected through computers and online resources. While the systems for organizing and managing this information have changed over the years, our school’s/school district’s commitment to confidentiality remains the same.

It is our responsibility to ensure the security of each student’s education record and we take that responsibility very seriously. There are also existing federal and state laws in place that protect student information.

For more details on FERPA, please visit the U.S.Department of Education's FERPA webpage.

Student Data Privacy Resources

Fact Sheet

Student Data

District Policy

Software in Use

A list of Software potentially in use across the district can be found online. Link to LearnPlatform

Do you have an educational need for a software not currently listed? Please use this exemption form.

Staff Software Use Request Form

Breach Notifications

If there were ever a breach, the notice will be posted here. Individuals affected by a breach would also be notified.