Dear Community, 

There has been much media in recent days about the shortage of bus drivers and the impact of Executive Order 13G, the state mandate for staff COVID-19 vaccination or weekly testing.

In recent weeks the district has worked endlessly with management at All-Star Transportation and I am proud to share that our transportation staff is in 100% compliance with the state mandate. While there is still a shortage of drivers, here and across the state, we don’t expect to have issues with school transportation based on the Executive Order. We remain very much day to day with coverage but additional drivers are in process and expected to provide assistance by late October. Should any status with transportation change then an email will be sent to those impacted in a timely manner. I thank everyone for their continued patience and flexibility.

In closing, we are all thankful for our school bus drivers during this pandemic. They have been essential in this work, from safely delivering our students to and from school, along with providing meal service during more challenging times. We are reminded every day that education is a community effort and takes everyone.

My best to all for the balance of the weekend. I hope you are enjoying the fall weather.

The journey continues.
