Dear School Community,

Friday greetings after a successful second week to the school year.

Some thoughts as we head into the weekend.


Many have heard me speak of two important words this year – Journey and Engagement. The two are very much linked and will be the focus for the coming months.  On a journey, one will engage with others. In education, particularly through the pandemic, engagement has become more important than ever.

This year the district(s) will transition from School Improvement Plans to School Engagement Plans. This is more than a word change, but rather about the philosophy of interaction with the entire community.

As Superintendent, I will seek to engage our students, staff, parents, and community, in every part of our work. This will require your interaction, feedback, and opinion.  I will ask that our schools do the same with how they are engaging their students, parents and community.

Through academic performance data, we have proven that the engagement of our students brings academic growth and success. Our focus will be centered on the improvement of that engagement, each day, in all areas. This mindset will require all our participation and focus.

There will be more to follow from each school, but the journey this year will require input from everyone.

September 11th – 20 Years

As a boy, one of my most memorable field trips was to the observation deck of the World Trade Center. It was an experience when a young child saw across the skyline and knew dreams were possible. On September 11, 2001, those former childhood dreams, and the future, were forever changed.

I still remember being a teacher in Baltimore in 2001, the experience of that morning with students, and the days following. It was a defining experience for a generation.

Tomorrow, as we reflect on the past 20 years, I ask that we all take a moment to remember the lives that were lost. I also ask that we continue to thank first responders, many of whom sacrificed their lives to save the life of others.

In the time following the tragic events of 9/11, we came together as a country. We put aside differences and we took pride in our nation. Yes, it has been two decades, many things have changed, but we must never forget honoring the lives lost and the sacrifices of others.

COVID-19 Update

The following chart is an update on our most recent district COVID-19 cases:

One of the most often asked questions with cases centers around the Delta variant. The district does not receive information about the variant type with a positive case. What I can confirm is that we have seen a change in recent data. We are seeing both breakthrough cases (positive cases for vaccinated individuals) and younger children testing positive. We will continue to stay focused on the safety of our students, staff, and community. Notifications on cases will be sent from schools and the district will continue to keep all informed through weekly data.

My best wishes to all for the weekend. May it be peaceful.

Our journey continues.
