Boy with Red TShirt

Dear School Community,

September – End of First Week Greetings!

We faced some challenges, we always will, but it was truly an exciting and excellent first week. I am thankful for a community that is centered on education, a dedicated staff prepared for a great year, and students that returned happily to be back in school.

Two photos I need to share:



As we head into the first month of our new journey, and a long weekend, just a few notes:

 COVID-19 Case Data

As expected, and following national trends, we saw an increase this week of COVID-19 cases in the area.

The following is our local district data:

This information will be posted weekly on Fridays on the district website.

Please Remember – Self-Health

If you, or a child, are experiencing any self-health-related symptoms, a reminder, the golden rule for 2021-2022 is simple – “when in doubt – stay out.” While attendance is important, we are stronger as a community when we look out for one another. We have held strong to this since the start of this pandemic, experienced a lower number of cases, and by continuing to monitor our health, we can find our way back to normalcy.

Engagement and Community Meetings

This year’s engagement (of our students, staff, families, and community) will be a district-wide theme. In an effort and continuing the past month, I will be holding virtual Community Meetings on Tuesday evenings throughout September:

Here are the meeting dates, links, and dial-in numbers to those meetings:

September 7, 2021 – 6:00 p.m.

Meeting Link:

Dial In: 1 617-675-4444  PIN: ‪783 098 722 6954#

September 14, 2021 – 6:00 p.m.

Meeting Link:

Dial In: Phone Number:  1 617-675-4444   PIN: ‪372 580 995 4023#

September 21, 2021 – 6:00 p.m.

Meeting Link:

Dial In: 1 617-675-4444   PIN: ‪697 732 682 9080#

September 28, 2021 – 6:00 p.m.

Meeting Link:

Dial In:  1 617-675-4444  PIN: ‪609 479 951 8962#

Long Weekend Wishes

Growing up in the area, and having my own children, this weekend meant family gatherings and the start of “Fair Season.” (Who doesn’t love a good game of Whack-A-Mole?) The Goshen Fair, on Labor Day, is annually circled in pen on my calendar. Last year we missed nearly all local experiences, but as these events return, I hope we can celebrate, enjoy, and most of all stay safe.  

The journey for this year may have just begun, but the potential is great.

Live forward – best wishes,
