August 27, 2021

 Dear School Community,

 Happy Friday before the start of school!

Remote Learning – Clarification

We finally received confirmation from the Connecticut State Department of Education that a district may go to remote synchronous instruction if a classroom or a school is closed due to an outbreak of COVID-19. Some good news.

 Technology Fees (for 2021-2022)

After a review of the budget for the coming year, I am excited to share that all student Technology Fees have been waived for the 2021-2022 school year. If you have already paid this fee, it will be refunded.

 Traveling Considerations

Although there are no current state restrictions on travel by the State of Connecticut, I have received questions. You may find the State of Connecticut guidance here and CDC guidance here. This is guidance, but as always, important to share.

 Back to School – Community Meeting

On Tuesday, August 31 at 6:00 pm, I will hold a Back-to-School Community Meeting.

 To participate, please use the following link or dial in number:

 Meeting Link:   https://meet.google.com/tbt-uxpy-kij?hs=122&authuser=0

 Dial In Number:  1 617-675-4444  PIN: ‪926 927 852 9842#

This will be an open forum to get feedback and answer questions.

 My best to all for the weekend and I look forward to seeing our students next week.
