Dear Community,

August greetings.

Like all, I continue to watch the news, see new data points on COVID-19, and wait for firm guidance.

While we don’t have all the details, you will find the most recent version of the District Staying Open Plan HERE.

Here are some important high-level updates since the last document:

Face Coverings: The Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) and Department of Public Health (DPH) have not yet issued final guidance or regulations for the coming year. Please remember that the state is still under Executive Order and this is beyond a district decision.

Social Distancing: Classroom seating will be spaced at 3 feet apart for the start of the school year.

Contact Tracing: The district will still be required to complete contact tracing. To help expedite this process it is encouraged (not required) that a copy of vaccination cards be submitted to school nurses (for students) or human resources (for staff).

Wellness Check: While we will not be issuing the daily wellness check email, it is essential everyone continues to monitor your own health and the health of your children. Remember to follow the simple rule – when in doubt, please stay out.

Transportation: All riders, regardless of age or vaccination status, are currently required to wear face coverings on public transportation.

Bus Times: Mr. Sattazahn and the schools are expected to release the 2021-2022 Bus Routes in the coming 10 days.

School Visitors: At this time visitors will be limited to the main office of a school.

After-School Enrichment / Sports Programs: Our expectation is to run all after-school programs / sports in-person. Additionally, there is currently no limitation on spectator attendance at sporting events.

After-School Care: We are working to secure after school care at WAMOGO and LHS for the 2021-2022 year. There will be more details to follow during the week of August 16th.

Field Trips: As guidance and regulations permit, we will return to field trips during the fall.

Information Sessions: As there will be further questions, I will be holding four community information sessions:

·      Monday, August 16th at 1:00 p.m.

      Meeting Link:  https://meet.google.com/hst-nsqo-qmw?hs=122&authuser=0

       Dial In: ‪1 617-675-4444  PIN: ‪279 030 713 2025#


·     Wednesday, August 18th at 6:00 p.m.

      Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/qpo-oomq-bty?hs=122&authuser=0

      Dial In: ‪1 617-675-4444  PIN: ‪135 014 384 5198#


·      Monday, August 23rd at 1:00 p.m.

       Meeting Link:  https://meet.google.com/gbt-tpib-puu?hs=122&authuser=0

       Dial In: ‪1 617-675-4444  PIN: ‪374 404 844 9457#


·      Wednesday, August 25th at 6:00 p.m.

        Meeting Link:  https://meet.google.com/ohy-uszb-ugp?hs=122&authuser=0

        Dial In: ‪1 617-675-4444  PIN: ‪673 053 268 2520#


 As a closing reminder, the first day of school is Monday, August 30th, and the first two days will be early dismissal days as we transition everyone back to school.

 My best wishes to everyone. We keep living forward.
