Dear School Community,

Greetings from the road. The updates on Reopening for 2021-2022 have been coming fast this week.

On Monday, the Connecticut State Department of Education released its interim guidance on Reopening. That document can be found here: Interim Fall Guidance.

 We also received new case data from the Connecticut Department of Public Health (CT-DPH). This data will be regularly posted on the website as made available and can be found here: Case Data – DPH (7.27.2021)

 Additionally, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) released revised guidance on face coverings for the 2021-2022 school year. You can find this information here: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/fully-vaccinated-guidance.html. Please note that CT-DPH and CSDE have not adopted this guidance as of this email (but everything is subject to change)

 Tomorrow, I will be meeting with the district Reopening Committee. It is my goal to have an updated District Reopening Plan released no later than Wednesday, August 4th.

 My best to all for the weekend as we keep living forward in an evolving time.

