June 23, 2021

Dear Community,

Since August 26, 2020, the district has been proud to deliver in-person education for students during the international COVID-19 pandemic. Irrespective of providing more in-person education than the vast majority, the district is required by the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) to post a Re-Opening Plan as of June 23, 2021, for the 2021-2022 school year.

This plan is also required without additional guidance provided by either the CSDE or the Department of Public Health.

You will see our district plan here is titled: "Continued Opening of Schools Plan" and has items yet to be finalized.

While we continue to move forward, we have solicited feedback from our families, staff, and community, and made several key improvements in our Return to Normalcy.

1) Removed "Optional or Voluntary" Remote Learning (BOE - May 2021)

2) Return to Full Normal Schedule of Previous Years

3) Voluntary Option for Face Coverings (pending DPH guidance)

4) Lower Social Distancing Requirement (pending DPH guidance)

5) Restore In-Person Field Trips and After School Enrichment

6) Full Participation and Attendance at After School Athletics and Events

We will continue to update the plan over the summer and provide additional notification.

I apologize for having to interrupt the start of summer with the bureaucratic process, but rest assured our focus on the best possible 2021-2022 school year will not waiver.

