Weekly Update

Dear Center School Families,


The Holiday Season is here, and it is a very exciting time for all of us.  It also gives us a wonderful opportunity to help those in our community that need assistance.

If you would like to help those in need with holiday giving, at Center School we will be collecting donations of retail gift cards (Target, Walmart, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Gap, Old Navy, etc.)   This collection will begin on December 5th.  All donations must be received no later than December 16th.    Retail gift cards may be sent in with your student or delivered to the attention of the Center School main office.  If you prefer to give a monetary donation so that appropriate gifts can be purchased, please make checks payable to “Town of Litchfield” and mark on the memo line “Community Holiday Giving Project”. You can send them to the attention of the Center School main office or mail them to P.O. Box 12, Bantam, CT 06750.  We will also accept donations of unwrapped toys which we will place under our giving tree in the main lobby. 

We hope the spirit of giving will make your own holidays happier.  Thank you for your generosity.  

If there is a change to your child’s end of the day routine, you must send a note in with your child or email centerschool@lpsct.org.  When teachers are absent, the office is not notified of changes. Please have all changes into the school no later than 11:00am.  We understand that emergencies happen but we appreciate early notice.


We will be participating in the CCMC PJ Day on December 9th for our fourth year.  If you would like to make a donation to CCMC, you can send a cash or check donation with your child (checks payable to CCMC) or click here to donate online. All students can wear their PJs to school on Friday December 9th.  


The Center School Specials team is excited to announce that next week all students will be celebrating Computer Science Education Week during Specials classes.  We have a variety of activities planned for students to engage in computational thinking, hands-on learning with robotics, coding exercises and much more!  

If you are coming to the building to volunteer in your child’s class or join a meeting, you will need to scan your license upon entering the building. Parents picking up or dropping off will not need to do the scan, but should have their ID ready as we will have new staff in the office.

Thank you for sharing your child(ren) with us and partnering with us in your child’s education!





Upcoming events

December 5-9 - Coding week during specials

December 9 - CCMC PJ Day

December 9 - Report cards sent home

December 21 - early release 

December 22-January 3 - Winter break

January 4 - classes resume



Food Services If you would like for your child to receive breakfast at school, please sign up using this form.  The food service program needs to track the breakfasts provided, so you must order by 7:45am daily.  You can also order for the full week ahead of time.


Please see the important information regarding the change in the breakfast and lunch program.  Starting in January there will be a charge for students.