Weekly Update

Dear Center School Families.

 What a busy week at Center School!  Students were very excited to see our first responders yesterday.  Special thanks to Bantam Fire Department, East Litchfield Fire Department, Litchfield Volunteer Ambulance, Litchfield Fire Department and Northfield Fire Department.  We learned how to stop, drop and roll.  We learned about the importance of having a safety evacuation plan for our homes and family.  Students were even able to use the fire hose!  At the end of the day we practiced our monthly fire drill.

 You are invited to review and give feedback for our 2022-2023 School Engagement Plan.  The meeting will be in -person and virtual.  This is an opportunity for families to share their thoughts on how we can encourage and sustain engagement for students and families. We will meet at Center School at 11:00 Thursday, October 13. Click here to join virtually.

 If you need to change your child’s end of the day transportation or call your child out of school, you must contact the school office.  We can be reached at (860)567-7510.  You can also email us at centerschool@lpsct.org.  Please do not send an email or call the teacher, if they are busy during the day or not in school, information may be missed.

 There is no school on Monday, October 10th.  We hope you all have a wonderful long weekend!

 Please check out the PTO event happening on the 14th!

 Thank you for sharing your child(ren) with us and partnering with us in your child’s education!




Save the date: Friday, October 14, 4-6:30 Fall Festival at LIS.  More information is coming soon!

Please see the information in the Virtual Backpack.

 Food Services

If you would like for your child to receive breakfast at school, please sign up using this form.  The food service program needs to track the breakfasts provided, so you must order by 7:45am daily.  You can also order for the full week ahead of time.