Weekly Update

Dear Center School Families.

 Thank you to those who were able to join us for Curriculum Night last night.  We are excited to work with you and your child(ren) this year.  Please continue to stay engaged and reach out whenever you need information or have questions.

 Wednesday, September 21st will be an early release day for professional development.  Students will be dismissed at 12:15 pm.  There will be no after school enrichment on this day.

 We will be providing all families with a School Directory this year.  If you do NOT want to be in the directory or would like to limit the information included, please complete the form here. All forms must be returned by Monday, September 19th.

 If you would like to volunteer in your child’s classroom this year or be a chaperone on a field trip, please remember to complete a volunteer form and send it to the school office.

 Thank you for sharing your child(ren) with us and partnering with us in your child’s education!



 Food Services

If you would like for your child to receive breakfast at school, please sign up using this form.  The food service program needs to track the breakfasts provided, so you must order by 7:45am daily.  You can also order for the full week ahead of time.