Dear Center School Families,

 Thank you to all the families who attended their child(ren)’s conferences last week.  98% of families participated.  We know that students reach higher levels of achievement when the home and school work together to support students.  Please continue to keep in touch with your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns.  Teachers share the math and phonics unit information with you regularly to help you understand what your child is learning and ways you can support at home.  

Tuesday, April 5th is Dress Like Your Favorite Book Character.  We are excited to see what books everyone loves!

From LHS Relay for Life

Litchfield High School’s fourth annual Relay for Life event needs YOU! Bring in your spare change in the weeks leading up to spring break (from April 4-14) and drop it in the collection jar set up for your grade level in the cafeteria. All the money goes to the American Cancer Society, and the grade that collects the most change by April 14th will be awarded a special prize!

From the PTO

General meeting on Tuesday, April 5th from 6-7pm.  

From the Curriculum Office

Dear Families, Your child will participate in the annual climate survey in April. Students in third grade through twelfth grade will have the opportunity to provide the school with feedback on school climate and their overall perceptions of their educational experience. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school office. 


A reminder that Kindergarten registration is taking place now.  Please see the link on our website for forms and information.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Kristen Murray in the school office. 

Please remember to check out our Virtual Backpack for Community Opportunities and School Handouts.  Click here.


Please complete the Google Form (at the beginning of each week or daily if you prefer) so that we can have breakfast ready for your child.  Click here for the form.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Maggie Dreher at 

Enjoy the weekend.

