weekly update

Dear Center School Families,

 It is crazy to think that there are only 55 more days in this school year.  We still have much to do and much to learn!  

We appreciate the care you are taking to keep your child home when they are ill.  However, we have many other reasons for absences and really need for students to come to school every day that they are healthy.  If your child is having difficulty coming to school, please reach out to your child’s teacher, Rachal Caprouscio, our school counselor, Beth DeFiore, our school nurse or myself.  There are many ways we can support you and your child.  

Also, coming in tardy and leaving early are a disruption not just for your child but for the whole class.  Please try to have your child here on time and for them to stay the full day.  We do know that appointments can not always be made outside the school day and understand those needs.  

In the event that your child needs to be out, please make sure to call the school office or nurse anytime and leave a message.  You can also email us at centerschool@lpsct.org with information.  

From the PTO

General meeting on Tuesday, April 5th from 6-7pm.  More information will be coming next week!

From the Curriculum Office

Dear Families, Your child will participate in the annual climate survey in April. Students in third grade through twelfth grade will have the opportunity to provide the school with feedback on school climate and their overall perceptions of their educational experience. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school office. 

A reminder that Kindergarten registration is taking place now.  Please see the link on our website for forms and information.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Kristen Murray in the school office. 

Please remember to check out our Virtual Backpack for Community Opportunities and School Handouts.  Click here.


Please complete the Google Form (at the beginning of each week or daily if you prefer) so that we can have breakfast ready for your child.  Click here for the form.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Maggie Dreher at dreherm@lpsct.org 

Enjoy the weekend.

