weekly update

Dear Center School Families,

A reminder that Kindergarten registration is taking place now.  Please see the link on our website for forms and information.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Kristen Murray in the school office. 
Based on the CSDE and DPH guidance, along with the expiration of the Governor's Executive Order, and a review of local case data, the district will no longer require facemasks effective Monday, February 28, 2022. 
a) Everyone, students and staff  will have an option to wear a face mask while inside of a school building starting next Monday. 
b) Based on Federal requirements for public transportation all students and staff must still wear a face mask while traveling on a school bus.
c) Per the CSDE and DPH recommendation, the district will be making home test kits available to all students and staff. Please contact Lisa Deltano, Principal or Beth DeFiore, School Nurse, if you need a kit.
Second Step Program update from Rachel Caporuscio, our school counselor
Starting next week, all students will begin the 4th and last unit in the Second Step curriculum. In this unit, your child will  learn how to identify and state a problem, recognize if a problem is an accident, and use the STEP problem-solving process:

S: Say the problem
T: Think of solutions
E: Explore the outcomes
P: Pick a solution
Please remember to check out our Virtual Backpack for Community Opportunities and School Handouts.  Click here.
Please complete the Google Form (at the beginning of each week or daily if you prefer) so that we can have breakfast ready for your child.  Click here for the form.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Maggie Dreher at dreherm@lpsct.org 
