weekly update

Dear Center School Families,

The month of February is off to a great start!  We have a fun-filled week coming up.  Monday is “Fancy Day”.  Students and staff are encouraged to “dress to impress”.  Students may bring Valentines to share with their class.  No food or candy please.  On Tuesday, we will celebrate the 100th Day of School!  In honor of the 100th day, we are having a food drive to support our local community.  Students and staff are encouraged to “dress like a 100 year old” on Tuesday.

Preschool and Kindergarten registration is taking place now.  Please see the links on our website for forms and information.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Kristen Murray in the school office.  

 Please remember to check out our Virtual Backpack for Community Opportunities and School Handouts.  Click here.


Please complete the Google Form (at the beginning of each week or daily if you prefer) so that we can have breakfast ready for your child.  Click here for the form.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Maggie Dreher at dreherm@lpsct.org. 



Community Forums with Superintendent Leone:  

Tuesday, January 25, 2022 – 6:00 p.m.

To join the January Community Forums, please use the following link or dial in numbers:

Meeting Link:  https://meet.google.com/ymo-cssk-jum?hs=122&authuser=0

Dial In: 1 617-675-4444  PIN: ‪320 829 979 8225#