Food For Friends Flyer

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Center School students and staff will be collecting non-perishable food items for those in need in our community from November 8th through November 19th. The items collected will be donated to The Annex Co-op for distribution locally.

Suggested items for donation are: canned soups, canned fruits and vegetables, rice, dried pasta, beans, peanut butter, canned chicken, tuna fish, cereal, granola, canned pasta sauce, vegetable oil, salad dressing, boxed macaroni and cheese, granola bars, juice boxes, etc. Donations of toilet paper, paper towels, liquid dish soap and toothpaste are also needed. No glass items please. Students can bring items for donation to their classrooms.

Your support of those in need in our community is greatly appreciated!

Thank you,

Center School