Weekly update picture

Dear Center School Families,

What a wonderful day at Center School today!  Students were able to learn from our community first responders about fire and medical safety.  Thank you to all our firefighters and ambulance personnel!  So happy to be able to have you come to share your knowledge.

If there is a change to your child’s end of the day plans, please send a note in or call the office as early as possible.  Children often confirm their dismissal with their teachers and it causes confusion and unease for the child when we are not aware of the plan.  

We appreciate your diligence with monitoring your child’s health.  If you need to call your child out, please contact the school office at 860-567-7510 or email at centerschool@lpsct.org.  "If your child is quarantined or isolated due to a community incident, or if your child cannot attend school due to a pending COVID test result, then please contact the Main Office to receive information on attendance requirements and how to access online tutoring." 

Please complete the Google Form (at the beginning of each week or daily if you prefer) so that we can have breakfast ready for your child.  Click here for the form.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Maggie Dreher at dreherm@lpsct.org or Lisa Deltano at deltanol@lpsct.org.




From the PTO:

Get ready for the Fall Costume Festival at White Memorial!

  • School Candy Drive (Mon. 10/18 - Wed. 10/27)

Please send individually wrapped and sealed seasonal sweets to school with your child next week so we can share treat bags with all festival goers.



From Superintendent Chris Leone

 Tuesday’s at 6:00 p.m. – Superintendent Conversations Continue in October

I have found my Tuesday night conversations with the community to be a great source of interaction. We will continue this month with the following dates and times: 

October 19, 2021 – 6:00 p.m.

Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/sdb-eeoa-svt?hs=122&authuser=0

Dial In: 1 617-675-4444   PIN: ‪152 939 954 9910#

October 26, 2021 – 6:00 p.m.

Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/qug-omop-xjb?hs=122&authuser=0

Dial In:  ‪1 617-675-4444  PIN: ‪514 192 528 5383#