Dear Community,

It has been a week of updates and changes.

Reopening / Staying Open Plan

The most updated district staying open plan can be found here (Plan).

Executive Order 13a - Face Covering

You can find a copy of Governor Executive Order 13a here:

This law runs through September 30, 2021. If a student arrives for the bus, or at school, without a face covering, then one will be provided.

I have asked the Department of Public Health for clarification on expectations, and metrics, around local decisions after the completion of this order. Once that clarification is received then more information will be sent out to the community.

Executive Order 13d –School Staff Vaccination Requirements

You can find a copy of Governor Executive Order 13d here:

This law requires that a School District, by September 27, 2021, must ensure that all employees have either a) proof of being fully vaccinated; b) proof of being in the process to be fully vaccinated; c) have an approved religious exemption for vaccination; d) have an approved medical exemption for vaccination; or e) are being tested weekly.

The district will work with all staff to ensure full compliance with the law by the due date.

Contact Tracing and Quarantines - UPDATE

This year we will once again work with local health departments on contact tracing and quarantines. A person is considered a direct contact if within 3 feet (formerly 6 feet) for 15 minutes or more over a period of 24 hours. Those who are identified, as a direct contact to a positive case, will be asked to quarantine (if they are not vaccinated). The quarantine will last for seven (7) days with a negative COVID test result on day five (5) OR for ten (10) days (without a test). If a student is placed in quarantine work will be provided from the school via Google Classroom. If a person is vaccinated, and showing no symptoms, then they will not be asked to quarantine per DPH guidance.

Community-Parent Meetings

I will be holding two more Community-Parent Meetings this week. These meetings will be open question and answer sessions and are scheduled as:

Links and dial-in numbers for future sessions can be found below.

· Monday, August 23rd at 1:00 p.m.

Meeting Link:

Dial-In: ‪1 617-675-4444 PIN: ‪374 404 844 9457#

· Tuesday, August 24th at 6:00 p.m. (NEW TIME AND DATE)

Meeting Link:

Dial-In: ‪1 617-675-4444 PIN: ‪673 053 268 2520#

My best to everyone for the weekend.
