weekly update

Dear Center School Families.

Thank you to our Specials teachers and our amazing volunteers! The students participated in a STEAM activity on Wednesday and had a blast! Please ask your child what the activity was for their special. 

The leprechaun visited early today and made quite a mess. Unfortunately, none of the Kindergarteners were able to trap him. They did find some of his gold though so that made them happy. The students did a great job helping to clean up the mess.

Progress reports were sent home today. Please check your child’s backpack. Conferences are March 20, 21 and 22. We hope all families will join us so that we can share your child’s progress and areas of growth.  Please use the link found here to sign up for a conference with your child’s teacher. Students will be dismissed at 12:15 on these days. 

A reminder that transportation is not provided for students to attend playdates. Changes to transportation should be sent to centerschool@lpsct.org before 10am or in a note sent to school with your child.

Our Virtual Backpack can be found here.



Upcoming Events

  • Tuesday, March 19 MiniGolf Special Special at Center School

  • Wednesday, March 20 Early release for students -  Conferences 5-7pm

  • Thursday, March 21 Early release for students -  Conferences 1:00-3:30

  • Friday, March 22      Early release for students -  Conferences 1:00-3:30

  • Wednesday, March 27 Center School Attire Day/Town Meeting 

  • Friday, March 29       No school (Good Friday)

  • Wednesday, April 3     Early release for PD

  • Tuesday, April 9  Marvel Day

Food Services

If you would like for your child to receive breakfast at school, please sign up using this form.  The food service program needs to track the breakfasts provided, so you must order by 7:45am daily.  You can also order for the full week ahead of time.

Information regarding breakfast and lunch costs and who is eligible for free lunch can be found here