Weekly Update

Dear Center School Families.

Information regarding the next session of after school enrichment was sent out on Monday. Please see a copy of the email below if you are interested. 

If you are staying at the end of the school day, please do not allow children to play near the cars in the lower lot. It is difficult to see the children when backing out of parking spaces. Please do use the play areas behind the school for students to socialize.

Our Virtual Backpack can be found here.

Thank you for sharing your child(ren) with us and partnering with us in your child’s education!



Upcoming Events

  • Monday, Jan. 15         No school in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day

  • Wednesday, Jan. 17   Sports Day - wear something from your favorite sport or team

  • Friday, Jan. 26 Center School attire

  • Wednesday, Feb. 14 Fancy Day

  • Friday, Feb. 16 Early release for Professional Development

  • Monday, Feb. 19 President’s Day - no school

  • Wednesday, Feb. 28 Center School attire

  • Friday, March 1 No school for students

Dear School Community, 

The After-School Enrichment Program registration for the Winter season is open.

The Enrichment classes will begin on Monday, February 5th, and will end the week of February 26th.  Please note that Monday, February 19th is Presidents’ Day and there will be no classes.  The classes missed on Monday will be made up on Monday, March 4th.   

To view the catalog, please click on the link below: Winter 2024 Course Catalog

Course enrollment begins today and will remain open until Tuesday, January 16, 2024. 

Enrollment can be done through the link provided in the catalog or by clicking here.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding these programs, please reach out to Debbie Hodges at hodgesd@lpsct.org.


Chris Leone

Food Services

If you would like for your child to receive breakfast at school, please sign up using this form.  The food service program needs to track the breakfasts provided, so you must order by 7:45am daily.  You can also order for the full week ahead of time.

Information regarding breakfast and lunch costs and who is eligible for free lunch can be found here

Previously shared information

If you are picking your child(ren) up at the end of the day, please ensure that you are walking them safely to your car.  If you would like to enjoy some time outside, you are welcome to use the playscapes in the rear of the building. 

We are excited to introduce our Fitness bags which will be sent home with all Kindergarten through Grade 3 students this year.  The activity is sponsored by Fit Together.  Fit Together is a community collaborative formed in 2011.  The initial purpose was to identify and implement environmental and social improvements in the Northwest corner of CT. Their mission is to build the healthiest kids, families and communities through sustainable strategies that foster healthy eating and active living.

Each bag has a variety of activities for students to share with their family and friends.  Suggestions of games will be included, but you are welcome to create your own fun as well.  Bags will be sent home each Friday with one student from the class.  The bag should be returned with all the contents on the following Thursday so that another classmate can enjoy the following week.  

If you would like to email pictures or share any feedback, we would love to have it.  Information can be sent to the centerschool@lpsct.org address.