Center School Weekly Update

Dear Center School Families.

Welcome to December!  The calendar year is quickly coming to an end and we are very busy learning and growing at Center School.

The Center School Specials team is excited to announce that next week all students will be celebrating Computer Science Education Week during Specials classes.  We have a variety of activities planned for students to engage in computational thinking, hands-on learning with robotics, coding exercises and much more!  

Picture make-ups will be December 18th.  Any student who was absent will have their picture taken.  Pictures from the November 13th Picture Day will be handed to students as soon as they arrive within the next two weeks.

On December 8th, we will participate in the CCMC PJ Day.  All students are encouraged to wear their PJ’s to show their support. We will be accepting donations to be sent to CCMC.  Students can bring in money or checks, you can also donate online.

Please do not allow your children to play in the parking lot area after school.  There is concern for students’ safety with climbing and running between cars.  Our playground areas are open to families if you would like to give your children time to play with friends.

Special congratulations for our Grade 1 teacher, Mr. Matt McDevitt.  Mr. McDevitt was inducted into the Litchfield Athletic Hall of Fame this past Saturday.  Thank you Mr. McDevitt for all that you have done for Litchfield sports, first as a player and then as a coach!

Today we practiced our stay put drill.  All students listened to their teachers and were very respectful.

Please see the Region 20 event information on December 5th here.

Our Virtual Backpack can be found here.

Thank you for sharing your child(ren) with us and partnering with us in your child’s education!



Upcoming Events

  • Dec. 4-8 Coding Week

  • Friday, Dec. 8  CCMC PJ DAY

  • Friday, Dec, 8 Progress reports sent home

  • Monday, Dec. 18 Picture retakes

  • Friday, Dec. 22 Early release at 12:15 All school PJ Day

  • Dec. 25-Jan. 2 Winter break

  • Wednesday, Jan. 3 School resumes

Food Services

If you would like for your child to receive breakfast at school, please sign up using this form.  The food service program needs to track the breakfasts provided, so you must order by 7:45am daily.  You can also order for the full week ahead of time.

Information regarding breakfast and lunch costs and who is eligible for free lunch can be found here

Previously shared information

If you are picking your child(ren) up at the end of the day, please ensure that you are walking them safely to your car.  If you would like to enjoy some time outside, you are welcome to use the playscapes in the rear of the building. 

We are excited to introduce our Fitness bags which will be sent home with all Kindergarten through Grade 3 students this year.  The activity is sponsored by Fit Together.  Fit Together is a community collaborative formed in 2011.  The initial purpose was to identify and implement environmental and social improvements in the Northwest corner of CT. Their mission is to build the healthiest kids, families and communities through sustainable strategies that foster healthy eating and active living.

Each bag has a variety of activities for students to share with their family and friends.  Suggestions of games will be included, but you are welcome to create your own fun as well.  Bags will be sent home each Friday with one student from the class.  The bag should be returned with all the contents on the following Thursday so that another classmate can enjoy the following week.  

If you would like to email pictures or share any feedback, we would love to have it.  Information can be sent to the address.