Center School Weekly Update

Dear Center School Families,

What a fun week this has been!  Wednesday, we participated in ACES (All children exercise simultaneously).  Mr. Parker prepared an interactive show for us to engage with.  On Thursday, we enjoyed May the 4th.  Students and staff wore their Star Wars gear.  We had a special visit by Mandalorian, Darth Vader and the Storm Troopers.

We have many field trips and events planned for the next two months.  If you would like to chaperone or volunteer in your child’s class, you must be on our volunteer list.  Please complete the volunteer form found here and return to the school office. You only need to complete the form once per year and it covers all buildings. 

Looking for fun activities for your child to engage in this summer?

LPS and RSD6 are excited to sponsor the Summer Step Enrichment program at James Morris School. This program is open to all currently enrolled students in grades K-5 across both districts, at no cost to families! Summer Step offers students an opportunity to participate in a variety of academic activities in ELA and Math subject areas, led by certified

Teachers. We will also be working with local community agencies to provide fun, on-site presentations and/or activities!

Please see the Virtual Backpack for more information.  Registration form 

PTO Playground Meet-up! Friday, May 5th 3:45pm - 5:00pm Community Field, 58 North Lake St., Litchfield, CT  06759 


Join the PTO at Community Field to play at the playground & LET FRIENDS AND CLASSMATES GET OUT THAT PENT UP WINTER ENERGY!


Staff Appreciation Week 2023!

The Litchfield PTO has a fun week of surprises and treats planned for our amazing school staff next week! 

On Monday, May 8th, let’s kick off the week by having the students participate!  Some ideas include: 

  • Wear your teacher’s favorite color

  • Write a note showing your appreciation for your teacher, bus driver and other school staff!

Additional events include:

  • May 9 - Staff “Survival”  Packets  to help  them survive the last two months of school

  • May 10 - Catered lunch for all school staff and bus drivers

  • May 11 - “Grow & Bloom” seed packets distributed to staff since they help all our students grow!

  • May 12 - Ice Cream Bar, courtesy of Peaches & Cream

To find out more ways to get involved or to make a donation, follow the PTO on social media or email them directly:

Instagram:  litchfieldpto

Facebook:  Litchfield PTO - CT


Thank you for sharing your child(ren) with us and partnering with us in your child’s education!



Upcoming events

May 9-11 Grade 3 Smarter Balanced Testing (math)

Wednesday, May 17 Mismatch Day

Tuesday, May 23 Quassy trip 

Wednesday, May 24 Quassy rain date

Friday, May 26 Center School Spirit Day

Friday, May 26 EMS Assembly

Thursday, June 1 Last day for After School enrichment

Friday, June 2 Field Day (details to follow)

Previously shared information:

Fitness Bag Information

We are excited to introduce our Fitness bags which will be sent home with all Kindergarten through Grade 3 students this year.  The activity is sponsored by Fit Together.  Fit Together is a community collaborative formed in 2011.  The initial purpose was to identify and implement environmental and social improvements in the Northwest corner of CT. Their mission is to build the healthiest kids, families and communities through sustainable strategies that foster healthy eating and active living.

Each bag has a variety of activities for students to share with their family and friends.  Suggestions of games will be included, but you are welcome to create your own fun as well.  Bags will be sent home each Friday with one student from the class.  The bag should be returned with all the contents on the following Thursday so that another classmate can enjoy the following week.  

If you would like to email pictures or share any feedback, we would love to have it.  Information can be sent to the address.

Food Services If you would like for your child to receive breakfast at school, please sign up using this form.  The food service program needs to track the breakfasts provided, so you must order by 7:45am daily.  You can also order for the full week ahead of time.