Center School Weekly Update

Dear Center School Families,

Students enjoyed a Special Special yesterday.  Our focus this month was STEAM.  Students chose which activity they wanted to participate in and were very engaged in their learning.  Students built robots, worked with “power” tools, designed and built boats and other fun activities. Thanks go to our specials team and invited guests - Joanne Moore, Rochelle Clementson and Amy Laskowicz.  We appreciate the time and energy that went into planning this exciting day.

As the weather continues to change, please be sure to send your child to school with the day’s weather appropriate clothing and outerwear.  We are outside for recess twice a day to get some fresh air and exercise.  

I encourage all families to have your child(ren) by your side as you leave the building after pickup.  We are seeing unattended children in the parking lot when cars are moving.  We want all our children to be safe. The lot near the building is for staff and handicap parking only.  We appreciate your support with this.

Thank you for sharing your child(ren) with us and partnering with us in your child’s education!



Upcoming events

Friday, March 31 - Center School Spirit Day - wear your favorite Center School or LPS attire

Tuesday, April 4 - Hat Day

Friday, April 7 - no school

April 10-14 - no school Spring Break

PTO Bingo Night!

Join us for games, prizes and lots of fun!

Litchfield Fire House          Friday, March 31

258 West St.                      6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


$5/person and $25/family of 5+

(Children age 3 and under are free)

Pre-registration is required due to venue capacity.

Payments accepted at the door.

Follow the PTO on social media to register and for updates!

Instagram:  litchfieldpto

Facebook:  Litchfield PTO - CT

Previously shared information:

Fitness Bag Information

We are excited to introduce our Fitness bags which will be sent home with all Kindergarten through Grade 3 students this year.  The activity is sponsored by Fit Together.  Fit Together is a community collaborative formed in 2011.  The initial purpose was to identify and implement environmental and social improvements in the Northwest corner of CT. Their mission is to build the healthiest kids, families and communities through sustainable strategies that foster healthy eating and active living.

Each bag has a variety of activities for students to share with their family and friends.  Suggestions of games will be included, but you are welcome to create your own fun as well.  Bags will be sent home each Friday with one student from the class.  The bag should be returned with all the contents on the following Thursday so that another classmate can enjoy the following week.  

If you would like to email pictures or share any feedback, we would love to have it.  Information can be sent to the address.

Following Region 20

Facebook: Region 20

Instagram: Region20_CT

Tiktok: Region20CT

Snapchat: region20CT

Twitter: Region20CT

Food Services If you would like for your child to receive breakfast at school, please sign up using this form.  The food service program needs to track the breakfasts provided, so you must order by 7:45am daily.  You can also order for the full week ahead of time.

Starting March 1, all students are eligible to receive free breakfast and lunch through the remainder of the school year.  Please see the Virtual Backpack for more information.