On April 3, 2023, the district announced that the community had voted and chose the mascot for the newly created Regional 20 School District.
We are now the home of the Bobcats!
On May 15, 2023, the community chose our new school colors.
Our colors are teal, navy & gray.
We are now beginning the process to select a mascot image. We are accepting your creative submissions, from both professional and amateur designers. The Board of Education will review the submissions and make a final selection at its meeting in July. The creator of the final mascot image will receive free apparel, displaying the macot once the online apparel store is open.
Submission Rules:
You may not use images from the internet, images that require licensing or permissions, or infringe on copyrights. Original designs only.
The image should include a bobcat and some or all of the following colors: teal, navy, gray & white. The codes for these colors are as follows:
UA Name/Color Number | Pantone TCX | PMS# | RGB |
Midnight Navy 410 | 19-3920 TCX Peacoat | 2380C | 244,245,240 |
Silver Grey 045 | 15-4703 TCX Mirage Gray | 421C | 43,46,67 |
Coastal Teal 722 | 18-4936 TCX Fanfare | 7719C | 171,175,174 |
White 100 | 11-0601 TCX Bright White | 663C | 0,109,112 |
We will accept the following file types: jpg or png
You may submit up to 2 original images to be considered.
Email the image file(s) to Mascot@rsd20.org by June 2nd. Send files as attachments, not links to drives.
All submissions will become property of the District.