Virtual Backpack

Since our webpage is brand new, we’re using this space to tell you about the ‘Virtual Backpack.’ Here you will find copies of all of the notices we typically send home by email or with your child. If you’ve lost the sign-up notice for fall soccer or the dates and times of next Saturday’s pancake breakfast, you can find the flyer in the virtual backpack, with most recent announcements listed first.

The Virtual Backpack has four categories to make your search even easier:

  1. The “School Handouts” contains notices for field trips, picture day, school wide events, forms, permission slips, and PTO notices.

  2. The “PTO” tab will take you where you can sign up for the mailing list, Facebook and Instagram.

  3. “Parks and Recreation” is where you’ll find notices about all the various programs offered to students district-wide through the town’s ‘Parks and Recreation’ department.

  4. We’ll use “Community Opportunities” to update you about town and community events, such as the road race, a local art show, or library events.

  5. The "LEF Website'' is where you find all things Litchfield Education Foundation.

We hope the ‘Virtual Backpack’ will help you keep track of the events and happenings that interest your family.