The PTO is streaming tonight’s boys’ basketball game via the link below.
Streaming Link:
Game Details:
Monday, March 3
Woodstock Academy vs. Lakeview
Lakeview High School
6:30 PM

Today's Wamogo vs. Litchfield baseball game at Dunkin Park has been postponed due to weather. More to come on the makeup date.

Tonight's boy's and girl's soccer games have been postponed to Sunday, October 1st.
Girl's soccer will play at 5:30 pm.
Boy's soccer will play at 7:30 pm.

Thank you for the thousands of votes cast in Mascot Madness. We started with over countless nominations and last night we proudly announced the winner.
According to National Geographic: "Bobcats may look cute and cuddly, but these felines that live throughout North America can leap as far as 12 feet to catch prey and have been known to take down much larger animals. …The wild feline is about twice as big as a house cat and a lot faster. It can run at speeds up to 25 to 30 miles an hour, and it’s skilled at swimming.”
Our goal as we build Region 20 will be to live up to the description of the Bobcat. We may not be the biggest but we are going to surprise many with everything that we can accomplish.
Welcome to the Home of the Bobcats. Our next adventure awaits.

The Litchfield PTO Presents: Family Bingo Night-for LCS & LIS Familites
March 31, 2023
Litchfield Fire House
258 West Street, Litchfield
Pre Registration Required (Can be found on Instagram, Facebook, PTO emails or under News on the District website)

Wamogo Baseball Pasta Dinner Fundraiser
Tuesday, March 28th
Wamogo Cafeteria
$10 per Adult
$5 Children 12 and Under
$30 per Family

#1 Litchfield Boys Soccer vs #3 Shepaug Boys Soccer
Berkshire League Tournament Finals
Friday, November 4, 2022
Nonnewaug High School

Please help Travis Lipinsky win the Gametime CT's Athlete of the Week. Voting ends Thursday, Nov. 3rd at 11:59pm. To vote please click on the link:

SummerFest 2022 has one last visit from Tyrone the Tortoise!

SummerFest students explore coding and robotics with NextGen SmartyPants!

The Sharon Audubon Society visited SummerFest today with all kinds of Connecticut critters!

Reptile expert Adam Harris of Harris in Wonderland visited SummerFest along with a host of his slithering friends. Students interacted with various critters including snakes, lizards, a tortoise, a turtle and a dragon......the bearded kind!

Litchfield Public Schools and Regional School District No. 6, Kick Off to Summer Reading.
Bring a bag to fill with books to kick off your Summer of Reading.
Wednesday June 8th, 3pm-7pm
Litchfield High School
Join our Kick Off fun, plus a visit from the ice cream truck!

Get ready for the LEGO event of the year!
Watch district teams take on LEGO Master on Fox Season 2 contestant, Paras Patani, in a live 5 hour build off event.
May 17th, Wamogo Small Gym, 3pm-8pm.
Click the link below a for video teaser.

Robotics Family Engagement Night at Litchfield Community Center.......excitement is building!

SummerFest 2022 is hiring!
We are now accepting applications for CT certified teachers and non-certified enrichment facilitators.
To apply visit https://www.applitrack.com/rsd6/onlineapp/

Big night in the boy's BL basketball tournament at Nonnewaug. Support our local students - Let's make it an all-local final. (Photo Credit to @blbb_therundown)

WAMOGO Class of 2024 Fundraiser - The final hours as the deadline is February 10th -

In the grand scheme of everything going on a pothole may seem small to the world. However, it is the little things that matter. Attention to detail. Day by day find the good and seek improvement.

Due to the predicted timing of this afternoon’s weather forecast of sleet and freezing rain along with the potential of significant refreezing of roads creating hazardous driving conditions, all schools will have an early dismissal today, Monday, February 7, 2022.
Dismissal times are as follows:
Litchfield Public Schools
Litchfield Middle/High Schools: 11:00 a.m.
Litchfield Intermediate School: 12:00 p.m.
Litchfield Center School: 12:15 p.m.
Regional School District No. 6
Wamogo High School: 11:00 a.m.
Wamogo Middle School: 11:50 a.m.
Warren School, James Morris, Goshen Center School: 12:40 p.m.
Please stay safe.